1 minute read

Java stream is a wonderful addition since Java 8 to create and manipulate arrays/lists with ease. However, as other new programming languages can do all the stream functions directly in the lists, it kind of make java a bit more clunky to implement, though it still makes the code much simpler to read than normal loops. Here is an example of how to fill a 2D array.

import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.function.IntSupplier;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Program
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int size = 3;
        int value = 1;

        IntSupplier valueSupplier = () -> value;
        int[] arr = IntStream.generate(valueSupplier).limit(size).toArray();
        int[][] arr2d = IntStream.range(0, size)
                                    .map(i -> arr.clone())
                                    .toArray(i -> new int[i][]);
        for(int[] arr1d: arr2d){

We begin by looping the first dimension. Instead of writing for(int i=0; i<size; i++), a neater way is to make use of IntStream. IntStream is a just a stream of int, and we can create it with IntStream.range(0, size). We then boxed() it, so that we can get a Stream<Integer>, which is a proper stream, so that we can use map to produce a stream of the type we want, which is an array of int - int[], instead of a IntStream.

To create an int[] of the same value, we use the static generate method of the IntStream to generate an infinite size stream of the value we want, then limit the size, and simply convert it to an array with toArray(). You can see that we outsource the () -> value to a IntSupplier, just to make the code looks cleaner. A Supplier is just a Functional Interface to generate some value.

Back to our 2D array creation, we will map the stream to the clones of int[]. Do note that the clone() method is very important here, else the 3 arrays will all be pointing to the same address in memory, and anything you do to 1 of the arrays will be applied to the others as well. After that, we use the toArray(IntFunction<A[]> generator) to create an array of our type (int[]), and that will be a int[][]. The IntFunction will take the size of the array required as a parameter to create the array. So here, we need the size of the 1st dimension, hence the new int[i][].
