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Fix for filename too long in Git for Windows

less than 1 minute read

If you are running git on windows, with a deeply nested folder structure in your code, you might get the error message - “Filename too long”. That is because...

Testing MatOptionHarness in MatSelectHarness

less than 1 minute read

Reminder to self: When trying to get the options in the MatSelectHarness in Angular Material, you need to simulate a click on the MatSelectHarness - await se...

How to pass data from angular to css

1 minute read

I am creating an angular template whereby I can create forms from a data file automatically, such as a json or yaml. For displaying on the monitor screen, ...

Observables Explained

1 minute read

We all know what is a function. It takes some or no inputs and produce just 1 output. function doSomething(input1, input2){ return input1 + input2; } Wh...

Java HashMap Explained

4 minute read

The implementation details of the java hashmap is a very common interview question for java developers, though I’m strongly against asking such question fo...