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How to test Spring Data repository

2 minute read

Usually we do not need to write tests for the functionalities provided by the framework, but we can do so when certain functionalities we use from the framew...

Deploying multi-container application to Docker

4 minute read

In my last post - Getting started Spring Boot Application, I demonstrated how to create a sample forum application with Spring Boot using MariaDB as the data...

Getting started Spring Boot Application

12 minute read

Frameworks have made developing backend applications much easier compared to doing everything manually. For example, we no longer need to deal with the http ...

Upgrade SpringDoc dependencies for Spring 3.0

less than 1 minute read

In my previous article on how to add Swagger on Spring with Kotlin, the examples were built on Spring 2. With the introduction of Spring 3, there are some up...

Git detect dubious ownership in repository

2 minute read

When working in the corporate environment, we usually have a designated user space for each authenticated user on our computer. For example, in Windows, if...